Ambassador -> BJ Tarver

tarver-profile tarver-profile2In 1995 William (BJ) was an overweight father of 2 who had to come up for a breath before tying his second shoe! He decided at 25 years old he didn't want to be a health risk. After 7 years of sporadic running and fad diets, a friend talked him into the White Rock Marathon in Dallas 2002. He finished and was hooked. BJ lost over 50lbs and ran several more marathons with a PR of 3 hours and 36 minutes at the Miracle Match Marathon in Waco, TX 2007. Through motiviation of his cousin, (a San Diego police officer and Ironman herself) BJ was inspired to give triathlon a shot. He did a sprint race in September of 2010 and immediately began to set his sights on completing an Ironman. He competed in Galveston in 2011 & 2012 and also did another local 70.3 in September of 2011.
I struggled at my first 2 70.3 races with nutrition and recovery. After using BASE Performance, I was able to break the 6 hour mark the first time in Galveston 2012 with a time of 5 hours 57 minutes. Over 35 minutes faster than prior year with a slower swim due to a wrong turn! I was convinced BASE was the biggest player in my performance. Using BASE exclusively for all my training for Wisconsin and during the race, I was able to complete my first IM in 14 hours and 31 minutes. Most incredible to me though was not that I finished but that I had very little soreness the day after the race and felt great the week after. I had thought that IM Wisconsin would end my race season but after the recovery and how I felt, I decided to run the Dallas Marathon and with only training for 12 weeks was able to run it in 4 hours 2 minutes again with little or no soreness in the days post race. BASE gives me the recovery and more imporantly to me the energy to put in 60 hour work weeks and 10-15 hour training weeks while still having the energy to hang out with the family.
2014 Schedule: HITS 70.3 in Marble Falls, TX Wounded Warrior Half Marathon in June Ironman Couer D'Alene Austin 70.3 in October