Thomas is a husband to Kelly Necessary and father to two children, a 9 year old son (Cole) and a 6 year old daughter (Finley). He is also a partner in a small company in North Carolina. He knows what it's like to juggle family, work, and early morning training sessions.
With no previous running desires, Thomas woke up on Christmas Day 2006 and announced to his wife that he was going to run a marathon. She responded with, "You don't run!" "I do now," he said. He spent 10 minutes finding a race and couple of hours researching training guides and devised his own schedule. The next day, he bought a pair of shoes and started training that afternoon.
At that point in my life, I knew that I could run up to 5 miles (and survive), so that was my starting mileage. By March, I had raced a 5K, 8K and 10K with a half-marathon still on the schedule; I was hooked. By the end of the 2007 I logged almost 2,200 miles in training and events. That year, I raced the Charlottesville Marathon (3:45) in April and Philadelphia (3:23) in November. Along the way I competed in several local (Charlotte, NC area) half-marathons and the San Jose, CA Rock N' Roll Half-Marathon.
On a whim, Thomas had cross-trained for Philly in the pool and saw a serious jump in strength and endurance. This lead him straight into wanting a bike and in January of 2008 he bought his first road bike and was setting his sights on Triathlons. He raced Olympic/International distances beginning in August and finished that season with 2 Tri-events (Bandit's Challenge {2:58} & Pinehurst {2:29}) and another Marathon, Charlotte's Thunder Road (3:39). In 2009, he raced Sprints (2) and Olympics (3) with moderate improvement from the previous year.
In 2010 Thomas decided to jump into Iron distances. He struggled through his first Half-Ironman that May in White Lake (6:10) but followed that up with a 10K Trail Race (51 minutes, 3rd in age group and 13th overall) along with 2 more International Distance events and 2 Sprints.
In 2011, despite some injuries, he managed to race White Lake in sub 5 hours, The Ultimate Runner Event (39th place) and settled for ending his season with Kiawah, SC Marathon (3:39).