BASE Performance - The Art of Recovery BASE Performance - The Art of Recovery

The Art of Recovery

It’s that time of year again. Spring is happening everywhere. And with spring comes better weather and the itch to get outside to ride or run long miles. It’s also race season. Time to plan your race and race your plan. A lot of people think going hard and training 7 days a week is a sure fire way to success. But that really isn’t the case. What is the least thought of aspect of training? You might be surprised (or not) to find that it is recovery.

Recovery is a cornerstone to any good training plan. Without it, athletes would just run their bodies to the ground. Injuries would be rampant. Focus would be lost. Motivation would be lacking. It might seem counterproductive to the beginner athlete, but proper recovery will actually improve your race times and get you to that goal. Let’s break down what recovery means and what happens during that time.

To begin with, recovery is not the same for every athlete. Someone training for a 5K will have a shorter recovery times than someone training for an Ironman. Every training session an athlete has results in the breaking down of muscle fibers. It is during recovery that these small muscle tears repair themselves and grow bigger and stronger. In addition, there are various types of recovery. Active
recovery could be a 15-20 minute walk in the afternoon after your long run on Sunday morning. Long term recovery is built into your workout plan. For example, you might do a build for 4 weeks during
Ironman training but then do a recovery week where your training load is significantly less. Passive recovery are days where you literally do nothing except maybe take a nap on the couch while golf is playing in the background.

Keep in mind that recovery is not just about sleeping. An example: you go for a tempo run for about 3-4 miles. You feel good, had a great workout. At the end of the workout, you should take some time to
stretch and ease your body into the “rest and digest” mode or your parasympathetic systems. Doing some long, easy stretches and
possibly lying in shivasana (or corpse pose, literally the best yoga pose ever) for 5 minutes will give your body the cues it needs to start to calm down.

An often overlooked aspect of recovery are your nutritional needs. Keep in mind that when you increase your training load, your nutritional needs also increase. Consuming the right foods after workouts helps speed the recovery process. Downing a dozen cookies and a glass of milk might seem like a good idea if you feel you are crashing after a long run or ride, but there are better options. Maybe step away from the Chips Ahoy and try some greek yogurt with granola and berries or
throw on some chocolate chips for that cookie fix. Or use some BASE greens and make yourself a smoothie!

It is also imperative that you listen to your body. Not the “oh I don’t feel like running today” voice in your head that will derail you from your goals. Watch for signs of over training and needing an actual rest day. Some of the those sign are: feelings of fatigue beyond normal tiredness, lack of motivation or desire for your chosen sport, decrease in performance, elevated heart rate during the night, general aches and pains. When these symptoms hit, it’s time to take a rest day.

Remember that rest makes you stronger. It will help you maximize your fitness and athletic goals. It rejuvenates your cardiovascular and muscular systems to take on more load. It also prevents burnout. So take that nap. Try implementing a yin yoga class into your training weeks. Or maybe even take a leisurely bike ride with your kids or spouse. Your body, and your training, will thank you.

Sports Nutrition: Principles To Optimize Athlete's Performance

The food and drink an athlete consumes can significantly impact their performance. The right mix of nutrients can help improve energy levels, endurance, and recovery time. Conversely, the wrong diet can lead to fatigue, poor performance, and injuries.

As an athlete, your performance is central to your success and ultimately, how you measure yourself. To optimally perform at peak capacity, you must fuel your body with the right foods. 

If you think about it, there are many ways to achieve optimal sports performance for an athlete. It’s not just eating healthy or drinking protein shakes. There’s a lot more to it than that. 

Nutrition is imperative for any athlete who wants the best results possible from their training efforts. Eating well can help improve athletic performance and decrease the risk of injury during intense workouts or competitions. 

Here are some tips on optimizing your nutrition as an athlete to see better results.

Body Composition And How It Affects Performance

Your body composition is the percentage of fat to muscle in your body. The ideal body composition for most athletes is around 10-12% body fat for men and 15-20% for women.

Having too much body fat can lead to a decrease in athletic performance. Fat is much harder to convert into energy than muscle. Therefore, if you have a higher body fat percentage, you’ll likely feel tired and sluggish during your workouts.


Protein And Why It’s Vital For Athletes

Protein is one of the three macronutrients your body needs to function optimally and promote muscle growth. Athletes, in particular, need more protein than the average individual because of increased muscle demand during exercise.

When athletes increase their protein intake, they decrease the likelihood of injury and enhance their performance in the gym and on the field. The recommended daily allowance of  protein for athletes is 1.4 grams per pound of body weight.

Muscle contraction, repair, and growth all require protein. So if you’re not getting enough of it through your diet, your muscles will suffer the consequences.

That may seem like a lot, but when you break it down, it’s not as scary as it sounds.

Carbohydrates And Why They’re Important

Carbohydrates are the most important macronutrient for athletes. They are the primary energy source for most athletes during training or competitions. The primary function of carbs is to fuel the body and brain with energy.

When you ingest carbohydrates, they are broken down into glucose, the fuel your body uses to power all your activities. The timing of when you consume your carbohydrates is just as critical as the amount.

Carbohydrates should be consumed during your pre-workout and post-workout meals. If your post-workout meal is within a couple of hours after a workout, timing doesn’t matter.

Fats And Why They’re Important For Athletes

While carbohydrates are the main source of energy during most workouts and competitions, fats are the primary  source of energy when you’re in a rest period.

There are essential fats that are needed in your daily diet and non-essential fats that can be avoided. Fats are also crucial for muscle growth, hormone function, and immunity.

They also help absorb specific vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. The recommended daily allowance of fats is 20-30% of your total daily caloric intake. The best way to consume fats is to include healthy fat sources with every meal.

Key Principles To Optimize Athlete Performance

By following these key principles, athletes can optimize their performance and improve their overall health.

Consume Plenty Of Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates provide the body with energy and are essential for athletic performance. Carbohydrates can be broken down and used by the body quickly, so they are a good energy source for strenuous activities. Athletes should get about 50% of their calories from carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates are the body’s primary source of fuel during exercise. They’re broken down into glucose, which is then used by the muscles for energy. Carbohydrates can be found in various foods, including bread, pasta, rice, fruits, and vegetables.

The amount of carbohydrates an athlete needs depends on the intensity and duration of their activity.

Get Enough Protein

Protein is essential for repairing and rebuilding muscles after exercise. It’s also crucial for maintaining a healthy immune system. Good protein sources include meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, and beans.

Muscle protein synthesis is the process of building new muscle. It occurs after exercise when your muscles are broken down and need to be rebuilt. 

Protein is crucial for muscle growth and strength building. After you eat carbohydrates, they are broken down into glucose and used as energy. When you consume protein, they are broken down into amino acids and used to build muscle. 

The amount of protein an athlete needs depends on their weight and activity level. Particularly female athletes need to ensure they get enough protein because they have less muscle mass than men.

Stay Hydrated

Athletes need to stay hydrated to stay healthy. They should drink enough water to replace the amount they lose through sweat, urination, and breathing. 

If you don’t drink enough water, your body will start to hold onto it, which can lead to various health problems. For athletes, water is crucial. They should drink about eight glasses of water a day. Carrying a water bottle with you is a great way to stay hydrated.

It’s essential to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids before, during, and after exercise. Water is the best choice for most people, but athletes doing a high-intensity workout might need a sports drink containing electrolytes.

The amount of fluid an athlete needs depends on their activity level, sweat rate, and the temperature and humidity of the environment.

For example, someone doing a moderate-intensity workout in excellent, dry conditions might need about 16 ounces of fluid per hour. However, someone doing a high-intensity workout in hot, humid conditions might need up to 32 ounces of fluid per hour.

Eat Frequently

Athletes need to eat frequently throughout the day to maintain their energy levels. This means consuming small meals and snacks every few hours rather than waiting until they’re hungry to eat.

Poor eating habits can lead to several problems, including fatigue, poor recovery from workouts, and increased risk of injury.

Some good options for snacks to add to an athlete's diet include fruits and vegetables, yogurt, whole-grain bread, peanut butter, and trail mix. And some good meals include lean protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

To lose weight, your energy intake must be less than your energy expenditure. This can be accomplished by eating smaller meals more frequently throughout the day.

Balance Your Meals

Each meal should contain a balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. This will help ensure you get all the nutrients your body needs to perform at its best.

For example, a healthy breakfast might include oatmeal with milk and fruit or eggs with whole-wheat toast and avocado. And a healthy lunch or dinner might consist of grilled chicken or fish with brown rice and steamed vegetables.

The body weight lost during exercise should be replaced with a combination of fluids and food. For example, if you lose 2 pounds during a workout, you should drink 16-24 ounces of fluid and eat a snack or meal containing carbohydrates and protein within 2 hours of your workout.

It’s essential to time your meals and snacks around your workouts. This will help ensure you have enough energy to perform at your best.

For example, if you’re going to be working out in the morning, you might want to eat a small breakfast an hour or two before your session. And if you’re working out in the evening, you might want to eat a light lunch and a snack before your session.

Consider Supplements

If you’re struggling to get all the nutrients you need from food, you might want to consider supplements. Some good options for athletes include protein powder, creatine, and branch chain amino acids.

 Talk to a doctor or registered dietitian before taking any supplements, as they can interact with medications and have other potential side effects.

Lean muscle mass is essential for athletes. Sports drinks, supplements, and other products claim to help build muscle, but proper nutrition and exercise is the best way to do it.

Inadequate or excessive intake of supplements can be harmful. Supplements should not be used as a substitute for a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Timing Is Everything

While carbohydrates and protein are both essential, carbohydrates are most important regarding timing. Once you ingest carbohydrates, they are broken down into glucose and released into the bloodstream slowly.

When you ingest protein, it’s broken down into amino acids and released into the bloodstream considerably faster. This means that carbohydrates are more likely to fuel your performance than protein.

When you ingest both, it’s a good idea to time the intake of carbohydrates so that they are released into the bloodstream simultaneously as the protein.

Create And Maintain Good Habits

Athletes need to create and maintain healthy habits when it comes to their nutrition. It’s important to eat enough calories and macronutrients so that you aren’t depriving your body of what it needs to function optimally.

It’s equally important to avoid overeating and gaining too much weight. When you create good eating habits, you’ll likely have an easier time keeping them consistent. In addition, you’re  more likely to see results from your efforts when you have consistent eating habits.

Bottom Line

Athletes need to fuel their bodies with the nutrients they need to perform well. There  are three macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, and fats), and it is important to remember that the timing of when you consume these nutrients is essential.

It is recommended to consume carbohydrates during your pre-workout and post-workout meals and your rest periods. Drinking enough water is also recommended so your body stays hydrated and healthy.

Nutrition and athletic performance are closely related. What and when you eat can significantly impact how well you perform.



  • Larry

    Love it! BASE Bars and Hydro are essential components in my training/race nutrition plan… so highly advocate for both products.

  • Sandra

    BRILLIANT and very timely blog post for me! Thank you!

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