Ambassador -> Blake Luetjen
I understand that the most import factor in to performance and recovery is nutrition. With endurance activities and sports, nutrition from food is not enough due to the high increase of free radicals, and that is when proper supplementation is needed. I am my own guinea pig where I test different supplements to see what I can feel is the best.Blake is currently taking our suite of products and has seen first hand the results they have on his training. He is currently training for Ironman 70.3 Kansas and has noticed increased energy, enhanced recovery, and muscle growth.
I have been getting my body composition measured during my supplementation. During this time I have maintained a weight of 160 with my body composition changing. I have noticed increased muscularity and more of a lean appearance.
Schedule for the 2013:
Siouxperman Sprint – May 4th
Brookings Half-Marathon – May 11th
Kansas City Sprint – May 20th
Ironman 70.3 Kansas – June 9th
Dakotaman Sprint – June 15th
Wall Lake Sprint – June 22nd
Ironman 70.3 Racine – July 21st
Ravine Lake Sprint – June 29th
Ironman Louisville – August 25th (Tentative)
The Outland Challenge Olympic Tri – August 25th (Tentative)
Sioux Falls Marathon – September 8th (goal: sub 3-hour)