Base Coaching & Corporate Wellness provides a fully customizable program for individuals or companies of all sizes with plans that are customized for the individual, easy to manage and fun to execute. Multiple studies and reports show that a healthy exercise discipline means more positivity in life, or the office, along with reduced medical costs and more overall productivity.

Multiple studies and reports show that working with a coach or being involved in a corporate wellness program are overall happier with their life quality and at a reduced risk for heart disease, diabetes and other illness that a regular exercise or wellness regime combats.

  • 60% see improved time management skills, mental performance and deadline achievement on exercise days
  • 70% of employees with wellness programs feel their company cares about them
  • 81% of individuals that have a regular and disciplined exercise schedule and work with a coach achieve a better work life balance 

Contact for a discussion on you or your company's wellness & coaching needs.