Shipping & Returns
We offer the following shipping options: USPS Priority, USPS Ground Advantage, and UPS Ground. USPS Ground Advantage is our chosen carrier for standard shipping of all small parcels (typically orders weighing less than 10 pounds). Orders shipped by USPS Ground are typically packaged and sent from our warehouse in Orlando, FL within 1-2 business days.
Depending on your location and shipping method, you should receive your order within 7 business days. If you haven't received a shipment within that time frame, please contact us and we will help track it down.
The BASE Guarantee: Try any BASE nutrition/supplement product for 30 days. If you are not satisfied with the results, simply return the product for a full refund.
We offer a 30-Day Risk Free returns policy. We expect that our products will help you perform better. But, if you are not completely satisfied with our products during your initial use we'll refund your order in full.
In the event that you would like a return, please email us at and let us know your name, order number, which item you would like to return, and if you want an exchange or refund.
If your request is approved, depending on if you are returning, exchanging, or refunding you can expect the process to take about a week or so.
Please return to:
- 1355 Bennett Dr
- Unit 249
- Longwood FL 32750