BASE Performance - The Art of Recovery BASE Performance - The Art of Recovery

The Art of Recovery

It’s that time of year again. Spring is happening everywhere. And with spring comes better weather and the itch to get outside to ride or run long miles. It’s also race season. Time to plan your race and race your plan. A lot of people think going hard and training 7 days a week is a sure fire way to success. But that really isn’t the case. What is the least thought of aspect of training? You might be surprised (or not) to find that it is recovery.

Recovery is a cornerstone to any good training plan. Without it, athletes would just run their bodies to the ground. Injuries would be rampant. Focus would be lost. Motivation would be lacking. It might seem counterproductive to the beginner athlete, but proper recovery will actually improve your race times and get you to that goal. Let’s break down what recovery means and what happens during that time.

To begin with, recovery is not the same for every athlete. Someone training for a 5K will have a shorter recovery times than someone training for an Ironman. Every training session an athlete has results in the breaking down of muscle fibers. It is during recovery that these small muscle tears repair themselves and grow bigger and stronger. In addition, there are various types of recovery. Active
recovery could be a 15-20 minute walk in the afternoon after your long run on Sunday morning. Long term recovery is built into your workout plan. For example, you might do a build for 4 weeks during
Ironman training but then do a recovery week where your training load is significantly less. Passive recovery are days where you literally do nothing except maybe take a nap on the couch while golf is playing in the background.

Keep in mind that recovery is not just about sleeping. An example: you go for a tempo run for about 3-4 miles. You feel good, had a great workout. At the end of the workout, you should take some time to
stretch and ease your body into the “rest and digest” mode or your parasympathetic systems. Doing some long, easy stretches and
possibly lying in shivasana (or corpse pose, literally the best yoga pose ever) for 5 minutes will give your body the cues it needs to start to calm down.

An often overlooked aspect of recovery are your nutritional needs. Keep in mind that when you increase your training load, your nutritional needs also increase. Consuming the right foods after workouts helps speed the recovery process. Downing a dozen cookies and a glass of milk might seem like a good idea if you feel you are crashing after a long run or ride, but there are better options. Maybe step away from the Chips Ahoy and try some greek yogurt with granola and berries or
throw on some chocolate chips for that cookie fix. Or use some BASE greens and make yourself a smoothie!

It is also imperative that you listen to your body. Not the “oh I don’t feel like running today” voice in your head that will derail you from your goals. Watch for signs of over training and needing an actual rest day. Some of the those sign are: feelings of fatigue beyond normal tiredness, lack of motivation or desire for your chosen sport, decrease in performance, elevated heart rate during the night, general aches and pains. When these symptoms hit, it’s time to take a rest day.

Remember that rest makes you stronger. It will help you maximize your fitness and athletic goals. It rejuvenates your cardiovascular and muscular systems to take on more load. It also prevents burnout. So take that nap. Try implementing a yin yoga class into your training weeks. Or maybe even take a leisurely bike ride with your kids or spouse. Your body, and your training, will thank you.

Tips for Proper Nutrition

Tips for Proper Nutrition




Don't Underestimate Race Fueling & Nutrition

Many athletes don't fully understand the importance and value of proper nutrition while training and racing. Even those who do "get it," don't always have the most effective plan in place (for them). However, those that have their nutrition plan 100% dialed in, perform significantly better and recover faster.

To be clear: I am specifically talking about what an athlete consumes immediately before, during and after a race or training session.

It doesn't need to be complicated. In fact, it should be as simple as possible so that it becomes thoughtless and easy to execute. Below I will provide 2 TIPS and a high level outline to help get you on track.

Nutrition: The 4th Discipline of Triathlon

Proper nutrition is a VERY important part of training and racing for endurance athletes (triathletes, runners, cyclists, adventure racers, obstacle racers, ect.) . Yes, athletes may be able get away with a poor nutrition plan, but they will NOT perform at their best without a solid plan. Further, the longer the race or training session, the exponentially more important it becomes.

When it comes to creating a proper nutrition plan (or improving your current one), many athletes become confused and give up or simply over complicate things. Below are 2 easy ways to get started on creating and refining a plan that will actually work for you.

1. Create a 1 Hour Plan

Your first task is to create a simple 1 hour plan that is easily repeatable. You will repeat your plan for every hour of training or racing.

Your 1 hour plan will generally be made up of 3 "buckets." The way each category is accounted for can vary based on a number of factors, but generally the 3 buckets (as well as recommended starting points for dosage) include:

  • WATER : 1 bottle per hour (~24 oz)
  • CALORIES : 275 men, 260 women
  • ELECTROLYTES : dosage depends on product (~700mg sodium/liter)
    • Includes: sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium & other trace minerals (BASE ELECTROLYTE SALT)

The basic recommendations listed above are only starting points. Dosage will depend on the individual athlete (gender, sweat rate, size) & weather conditions. It may also vary based on the nutrition product(s) being used. The suggestions above may seem like a lot more than what you feel is necessary, but keep an open mind and give it a try.

Remember, you will NOT be able to replace ALL of the calories you're burning and ALL of the water you are losing, but the goal is to replace as much as your body can absorb and process while training or racing.

It's important to keep in mind, you want to spread out your intake over the entire hour. In other words, you want to avoid taking your full hourly dosage all at once.

TIP : Set your bike computer or watch to alert you every 15-20 minutes so you know when it's time to take nutrition.

There is no doubt the information above is high level. There are plenty of other variables that may need to be considered as you begin to fine tune your plan. Regardless, the basics above are a GREAT starting point.

2. Practice Makes Perfect

We have all heard the saying before and it holds true when it comes to nutrition too. Not only will you perform better in your training sessions when fueling, but practicing (& tweaking) will help you perfect your "formula" for when it really matters.

On race day, you should have a nutrition plan in place and you want it to be tried and true.  At the same time, you'll want to feel confident in your ability to be flexible if necessary. By practicing your plan while training, you can make adjustments and dial it in. It's not easy to nail your dosage on your first try, but by making small tweaks along the way, you'll be able to get it right. Additionally, you'll learn what works and what doesn't in different weather conditions and intensity levels.

TIP : Keep a journal on what, when & how much you took. Make notes on how you felt & performed. Adjust accordingly.

It is important to keep in mind, your body will process fluids and calories differently when your heart rate is higher or lower.

So for example, if it's really hot on race day and you decide to push the same pace you would on a cooler day, your heart rate will increase and as a result, your body may have trouble processing what you consume. This is a common pitfall that leads to problems later in the race. It's important to be able to make adjustments when necessary. The more you practice in training and in different conditions the better you'll be able to adjust.

This is also one of the reasons why you'll want to consider using a different "mix" of nutrition/fuel for shorter and longer races.


Fast? Slow? Doesn't Matter! 

We recently received the text message from an athlete we are coaching following one of his training runs. Drew is a 10 hr IRONMAN and he is currently preparing to do the virtual edition of the Boston Marathon in a couple of weeks. In other words... he’s FAST.

Fast or slow - the point is - you may do OK in spite of a good race / training nutrition, but if you get it right it’s a TOTAL GAME CHANGER! And don’t forget, your body and nutritional needs change over the years. So if you haven’t been feeling as good as you have in past years or you don’t exactly have a race nutrition plan, it may be time to shake things up a bit and try a different approach.



About the Author:

Chris Kaplanis is a professional triathlon coach and the co-founder of RTA Triathlon. He has been coaching triathletes full time for 10 years. Follow RTA on Instagram here.


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